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City of Butler Common Council Meeting and Agenda for Monday, November 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

City of Butler Common Council Meeting and Agenda for Monday, November 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Minutes of previous meeting- October 16th
  3. Int1·oduction of new City Attorney - Donald Stuckey
  4. Swearing in of new Police Officer - Adam Sheffield
  5. Proposed Ordinances and Resolutions
    1. 1781, E·Cigarettes etc. - 2nd Reading
    2. 1782, Identity Theft Prevention (Red Flag Rules) - 3rd Reading
    3. 1785, Authorizing Advance Payments - 3rd Reading
    4. 1783, Amending Rules for the Eastside Little League Football - 2nd Reading
  6. Department Reports
    1. Fire
    2. Planning
    3. Police
    4. Code Enforcement
    5. Streets
    6. Parks
    7. Water
    8. Wastewater
  7. City Attorney
  8. Clerk-Treasurer
    1. Emerick Estate
    2. Employee Handbook Update
    3. Fire Territory Board Meeting
    4. Inspiration Ministries OCRA Grant - Monitoring Closeout Form 1
    5. Increasing Utility Deposit Amounts
  9. Council Members
  10. Mayor
  11. Audience
  12. Adjourn